Effectively managing your VMs is crucial for maintaining performance and accessibility. This guide will walk you through the basic actions and tools available in the "Product Details" page after selecting an owned Service.

Control VM Power

  • Start: Initiate the VM to boot up and become operational.

  • Reboot: Restart the VM to apply changes or troubleshoot issues.

  • Stop: Halt the VM's operations while keeping its configuration intact.

  • Shut Down: Gracefully shut down the VM, closing all running processes.

Access Console

  • noVNC Console: Gain direct access to the VM's console for configuration or troubleshooting purposes.

Modify VM Configuration

  • Change Password: Update the password associated with your VM for enhanced security.

  • Modify Additional Disk: Adjust the disk storage capacity allocated to your VM as needed.

  • Request Cancellation: Initiate the process to cancel your VM subscription if required.

View VM Information

  • Status: Check the current operational status of your VM (e.g., running or stopped).

  • Hostname: View the assigned hostname of your VM.

  • Resource Usage: Monitor CPU and memory usage in real-time to optimize performance.

  • IP Addresses: Access information about assigned IP addresses and network configuration.

  • Bandwidth Usage: Track data transfer usage to ensure compliance with your plan limits.

Additional Tools

  • Reinstall: Reset your VM to a clean state with a new system installation, useful for starting over or changing operating systems.

  • Disks: Manage disk volumes attached to your VM.

  • Firewall: Access advanced firewall configurations and rule settings to fine-tune security protocols.

  • Firewall Options: Configure and manage firewall settings to control traffic and secure your VM from unauthorized access.

  • Graphs: View detailed performance graphs showing metrics such as CPU usage, network traffic, and disk I/O operations.

  • Network: Review and manage network settings, including managing private network settings for your VM.

  • VM Power Tasks: Perform power management tasks such as start, stop and reboot directly from this tool.

Most of these tools are analyzed on their own seperate articles.

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