A firewall is an essential security measure for your VM, helping to protect it from unauthorized access and malicious attacks. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up a firewall on your VM, from the Additional Tools section on the "Product Details" page.

Steps to set up Firewall

1. Access Product Details

  • Navigate to Product Details: Log in to your account and locate the VM for which you wish to set up a Firewall, after clicking "Services" on the Dashboard and then "My Services".

2. Locate Firewall Options

  • Find Additional Tools: On the "Product Details" page, locate the Additional Tools section.

  • Access Firewalls Options: Locate and click on the "Firewall Options".

3. Enable Firewall

  • Enable Firewall: Within the "Firewall Options" option, locate and press the edit button. Then you can toggle the option to enable the Firewall.

4. Configure Default Firewall Rules

  • Input Policy: Set the default input policy of the firewall. This determines how incoming traffic is handled. Common options include "ACCEPT" (allow all incoming traffic), "REJECT" (reject all incoming traffic with an ICMP message), or "DROP" (silently discard all incoming traffic). By default, the input policy is set to "ACCEPT".

  • Output Policy: Set the default output policy of the firewall. This determines how outgoing traffic is handled. Similar to the input policy, options include "ACCEPT" (allow all outgoing traffic), "REJECT" (reject all outgoing traffic with an ICMP message), or "DROP" (silently discard all outgoing traffic). By default, the output policy is set to "ACCEPT".

6. Save Settings

  • Save Firewall Settings: Once you have configured the firewall to your requirements, be sure to save the settings. This ensures that the firewall rules are active and protecting your VM.

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