Setting up firewall rules is a critical task for safeguarding your network. Custom rules help you manage traffic, ensuring that only authorized data enters or exits your system. Here’s a step-by-step guide to adding a custom firewall rule through your service management panel. Keep in mind that the custom rules will be effective only if the Firewall is enabled from the "Firewall Options" on the "Product Details">"Additional Tools".

Step 1: Accessing the Firewall Management Interface

  • Navigate to Product Details: Log in to your account and locate the VM for which you wish to modify the storage capacity, after clicking "Services" on the Dashboard and then "My Services".

  • Access Firewall option: Look on the Additional Tools section and click the "Firewall" option.

Step 2: Configuring the New Firewall Rule

Click on the "Add" to open the rule configuration interface.

  1. Enable the Rule: Ensure the toggle at the top is enabled (showing ON) to activate the rule once saved.

  2. Type: Select "in" if you want to manage incoming traffic. Choose "out" for outgoing traffic rules.

  3. Action: Set to "ACCEPT" to allow the traffic. Alternatively, select "DROP" to block the traffic matching this rule or "REJECT" to block access with an ICMP message.

  4. Interface: Choose the network interface, like "net0", which the rule applies to. This interface is the network card connected to your network.

  5. Source: (Optional) Specify the IP address range or specific IP from which traffic will be allowed or denied.

  6. Destination: (Optional) Enter the IP address or range where the traffic is headed, if applicable.

Step 3: Setting Advanced Options

  1. Macro: (Optional) Use this if you want to use predefined settings or templates.

  2. Protocol: Choose the protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc.) from the dropdown menu. For general traffic rules, TCP is commonly used.

  3. Source Port: (Optional) Specify the originating port if the rule should only apply to traffic from specific ports.

  4. Destination Port: (Optional) Enter the port number at the destination to which the rule applies. This is often used for services like HTTP (port 80) or HTTPS (port 443).

  5. Comment: Add any notes or comments about the rule for future reference.

Step 4: Saving the Rule

Click on the "Add" button to save and implement the new firewall rule. If you wish to discard your changes, select "Cancel".

Manage Custom Firewall Rules

  • After setting up a custom rule in the "Firewall" section, you can modify or remove it as needed. If you have multiple rules, you can rearrange their order to control the sequence in which they are executed.

  • Be cautious with "DROP" and "REJECT" rules to prevent accidentally losing access to your VM.

  • Outgoing traffic on Ports 25 and 465 are blocked by our central policy, but you can enable them after contacting our support team.

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